My Affirmation for Today A Healthy Being
Each Cell
Each Cell Heals
Each Cell Heals
Like a Domino, then
The Tissues, Organs
And Systems Also,
A Holistic view,
of a Flourishing Body
Thats Me, Yes
Thats me
Soon I will be Free
To Be In Balance
NOT a part of Me
Thank God , For Faith is Seen
Its Hope and Joy
I shall Live Forever,
As a Healthy Being.
And so it is
By Margie…..
Good Morning My cards I picked today are from THE ROMANCE ANGELS ORACLE CARDSThe Attraction Card and Calling in your Soul MateYou may think why are these two drawn together….well I feel you can also be attracted to your Soul Mate.We sometimes go through odd Stages where we are so close. seemingly like friends who care so much for each other that the Romance may be invisible.You can rekindle this….Be silent and see your loved one as the person who…..
Hello Friends
With My heartfelt and loving readings.Love and Light to allXXXMargie P.s I choose to expand my site with all the things I am drawn to and I feel happy to show you more and more items that I think are lovely and funny and interesting and worth seeing.
.We share our energy each time we contact each other, so lets keep the momentum a growing abundant energy so everyone can benefit.Lets give when we receive, whether it be in…..
A different feel
Good Refreshing
The air, cool, easier
To breathe easier
No Chest Pain
Gotta do this more
My Soul is Happy
Just Living in the moment
No Worry
No Stress
I need to be Alone
Everyonce in a while
But Nature Calls me to Come
I will be there
For my Well Being
To leave my ENERGY
For Me
I deserve this
Great TLC
And so it is
Hello all
I am writing to send my thoughts to you
May My words Heal
May the Sun shine on All
All who are suffering
In Any Way
We need to Join Our Conciousness
The Corona Virus
George Floyd
World famines, homlessness, crime
Misunderstandings, family breakdowns,
Relationship trauma, Illnesses of all kinds
suicide,unnessessary suicide
Reach Out when anything is too hard
There is always someone to listen
I am Here
I am listening
I am Caring
This morning I prayed and cried for George Floyd…He reached me in Spirit and I am so sorry for his passing that way.Bless Him
I am so sad and affected by the Challenges the World has to endure.
My Soul reaches out
To all who feel as I do
Lets send our LOVE, HEALING
This is what we do
We say Ok, its was A big Mistake
Lets learn, Lets Kneel in front of…..