This is me, Hi to you all.I am a positive person with a big heart and a loving Spirit.I welcome you all to read my site. That would be so wonderful.Love Always Margie Kugler
A Sample of my Poetry
The Gift Within ….A Book of Faith and Hope…
I want to Thank all of you for visiting my site.
My Fund raiser is here, May I ask for help?
The way is forward
yet many nails in my journey
Distracts and
Frightens me
How to cope?
When you are confronted with
Physical, Mental and personal Challenges
In a whirlwind, is how I feel.
I cherish the Peaceful times
This is what I wish for
A strong person handling 16 Diseases,
Wow! You look great!
I hear that all the time
“you look so Normal!”
I have Gastroparesis and also a Gastric Electrical Stimulator…so NO MORE DRugs to move my tummy my bowels are working like clockwork…I am an Advocate for Gastroparesis on see my efforts to help others.Love Margie Kugler