The signs have told me the truth
But I learn and am grateful
Even from so long
Its all too Much
I cant cope
I need support
Some thing I wrote to cheer me up
Does it help…No…Time only heals
A Colourful Change when you smile
It lingers on
This feeling of Hopelessness
Like a shadow
It Follows me
My everymove
Go!!!Negativity is not my Mantra
The corners of my lips lift
So Very slightly
A Change in your facial expressions
Hard for me…I know the Pain
I feel some joy
Bit By Bit
Each cell will start to smile
Like a Rainbow
A sign of tremendous
Colourful change for the better
Continue on this road
Then Smile again
What ventures inside
A Temporary Glitch
Yes a passing Fad
No room for sadness
A new Beginning
Breathe in Deep
The life of God
In my every Breath
Practice, Breathe Breathe
Now time to sleep
With a constant smile
Sweet Dreams.
By Margie Kugler While in tremendous Emotional and Physical Pain 2019