My name is Margie Kugler, a Perth girl from Western Australia who has been battling with Scleroderma for many years.In 2001 I was diagnosed with Crest Syndrome and not long after was diagnosed with Systemic Sclerosis, Scleroderma.Its been a traumatic 16 years with the development of many associated diseases, on recently diagnosed as Gastroparesis.
I am so happy to say that I have never given up hope for a cure and with a positive, spiritual outlook I have coped and survived each new battle.I am a miracle to my doctors, family and friends.
In May 2013 I published my first book called THE GIFT WITHIN.This was originally a journal but to my surprise and amazement I began to write, or miraculously channel each heartfelt poem, without stopping to think of what to write next.It all came down in perfect time, wording and order.I had very little changes when I self published and edited my own work.In November 2013 I attended a book signing In Pasadena California with The Hay House International I Can Do It Event.This was so exciting and an opportunity to share my book with the international market.In January/February this year there is my Radio Interview aired on Hay HOUSE International Radio, called Bright New Voices.My Dream is to inspire and help as many people as I can, coping with an autoimmune disease.