My Fund raiser is here, May I ask for help?
The way is forward
yet many nails in my journey
Distracts and
Frightens me
How to cope?
When you are confronted with
Physical, Mental and personal Challenges
In a whirlwind, is how I feel.
I cherish the Peaceful times
This is what I wish for
A strong person handling 16 Diseases,
Wow! You look great!
I hear that all the time
“you look so Normal!”
“Doing Extremely Well , Margie !
But ,,Dear World
I am not doing Well!
I am sad..Not Happy
Every single Moment I Struggle.
I fear for my therapies are costly
My disability pension is not enough
The Ndis has rejected my plea
Its unbelievable
I am suffering
My country needs to help.
By Margie Kugler copyrite 2019