am a Scleroderma patient who has battled an Autoimmune condition for 15 years.I have recently published my own Book of Poetry, called the Gift Within.It is a journal of my life with this chronic illness.I express myself with affirmations, dedications and prose poetry whilst being on my journey of peace, enlightenment and spiritual and personal growth. I found the Poetry was so easy to write with little or no editing, this was given to me as a form of “Automatic” writing.A special gift which is why I named it, The Gift Within.During my book signing in California I studied Angel Card Reading with the famous Doreen Virtue.Three years later I am now having my own business and reading hundreds of Angel Cards to people all over the world.The accuracy is so phenomenal, I have discovered my second Gift of Channeling the Messages from my Angel Card Reading.
Hello everyone I want to thank you for visiting my site here is the link to my Book The Gift Within here is the link to purchase my book The Gift Within https://www.amazon.com.au/s/ref=nb_sb_noss?url=search-alias%3Daps&field-keywords=Margie+Kugler
You will love my special book of poetry.
Here is another new poem I wrote for you all today.
Petals of a thousand flowers
Roses, Tulips, Sweet Peas
As far as the eye can see
Candles floating….Lighting up
The Magnificent sky
Stars twinkle
The moon is full and bright
A clear night
Angel Cherubs sit close
to Mother Mary
They sing so sweetly
Birds and All kinds of animals
Gather round to watch
Mary Queen of Angels
She blesses us all
with only Her presence.
And so it is
By Margie Kugler copyright 2018