My WRITING is Chanelled from my ANGELS…My Poetry is written as Automatic Messages from AboveMARGIE’S INSPIRATIONAL WRITING·MONDAY, APRIL 6, 2020·I am a Disability pensioner with 15 diseases and my life from a young age has been filled with many many challenges.I am very Spiritual although I have been on a rollercoaster ride of sufferring.There have been many Miracles in My life as I take one day at a time with a positive attitude.This comes from looking at the positive outcomes from each and every tragic event I face.I write to help others with my poetry at my website here and other websites I have.Here ares some.The Gift Within, All is Good, Margie is grateful for everybreath she takes, Margies Angel Card Readings. Angel Bumps mymessages from my Angels, Scleroderma and my Creative way of Healing.Yes there are a few but as I grow and evolve I want to send my Healing Gift to others like me.I have had 20 operations in 18 years and am currently looking at more for whole digestive system is fibrosed from Scleroderma.I already have a Gastric Electrical Stimulator inserted in my stomach for I lack any Peristalsis due to the Fibrosis.It helps my tummy but My throat and my colon are all fibrosed and closing and scar tissue limits the moving.This is My Story so far but I hope to change it for the better with My Faith and Love of Living.Your support would be wonderful as I am in the slow process of writing my second book…An Autobiography of my Journey here on earth with so many challenges.My Book The Gift Within is sold online at many Bookstores online Published by balboa Press and Sold at such places like Amazon.Some proceeds go to Research for my Major Disease called Scleroderma.The website is pray for you all everyday with the challenge we have with the Corona Virus …I am at very high risk at getting it so I keep social distancing best I can.If you are at home and bored…just look at my sites, buy my book…you will so enlightened and glad you did, as I am writing to Heal Others…that is my Goal and reason for all I do.And so it isThankyou for being here to read my writing and Bless You All through these times that are testing us all.
Love and light Margie Kugler