I am so pleased to be back here to share my journey and especially my Crystal card readings and poetry combined.
Since the beautiful moon just recently I have heightened feelings and sense a strength from beyond the stars.
The card and CRYSTAL LARIMAR are so vibrant and captures for me a new beginning.
Its fine to be sensitive
Fragile emotions and loving feelings
To be this vulnerable is gods sign
You should take extra care
You should be calm and gentle with yourself
A clear verbal communicating is essential for you
This lovely blue stone is saying nurture
Yes nurture you and all around
The animals and trees and friends and community
This is serving the highest good
Break down those walls
Calm fear
This is a feminine power
So soft,
and yet has a strength of a thousand
Meditate and feel the knowledge and wisdom
let its energy in.
And so be it.
I dedicate this poem to Maryangela at AGMD, thankyou so much for coming into my life.
Love and light and healing
Margie Kugler